If you are wondering “what is bible study,” read this. Bible study is an act of devotion that is a practice of the Christian faith. Many Christian churches set aside a specific time for members to read the Bible and pray. As you read, engage in scripture and pray, and learn more about God’s character. There are many benefits to Bible study. Let’s examine some of them:

It’s a time to learn about God’s Word

While you are studying God’s Word, incorporate your personal learning style into the experience. If you are an auditory learner, read scriptures out loud. If you are a visual learner, write the scriptures out and apply the lessons you’re reading to real life situations. Whatever your preferred learning style, Bible study will help you grow as a person in Christ. Listed below are some tips to make Bible study a fun and productive time for you and your family.

It’s a time to pray

Prayer is a powerful tool in our daily lives. When we study God’s Word, we are submitting ourselves to the Almighty God. Through prayer, we seek the wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is God’s Word and, through prayer, we can gain insight into God’s purposes for our lives. Prayer can change our lives. We may not realize it at the time, but we can pray to receive wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

It’s a time to engage with scripture

Scripture engagement is the process of hearing, reading, and pondering the Scriptures. When Scriptures engage us and help us to understand God, we are transformed. This concept has been referred to as spiritual reading, participatory reading, formative reading, and existential or meaningful reading. This website will discuss the importance of engaging with Scripture in Bible study. Let’s look at some ways that scripture engagement helps us understand Scripture.

It’s a time to learn about God’s character

A Bible study is a time to read and learn about God’s character. You may come to the Bible seeking certain answers that you want to know. While the Bible is the best place to learn these answers, you can become so focused on your own desires that you neglect to study the character of God. Pray to shift your focus to God’s character. The Bible is filled with information, but you must put it into action.

It’s a time to get to know God

Reading the Bible is one of the most important ways to grow closer to God. Knowing God’s word makes a big difference in your everyday life and in your relationship with Him. The Bible says, “God breathed these words into his mouth. The words were spirited from the mouth of God.” In other words, the holy men of God spoke when they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Bible reading should be an enjoyable time of learning about God.